Serves - 60-100
Prep Time - 30 min
Serve with - All cooked meals and especially meats
Nutrition info
This sauerkraut has billions of probiotics and hundreds, if not thousands of individual strains of each species. A typical wild sauerkraut has on average 600 different species, a commercial brand possibly 3.
There is no comparison between a wild fermented sauerkraut and a commercial one, avoid pasteurised sauerkraut at all costs. It has no probiotics and the enzymes are dead.
These fat soluble activators are the perfect accompaniment to breakfast pancakes or after any meal to increase absorption of both protein and vitamins present in the main.
1/2 head of cabbage
1 tablespoon salt ( I use Olsson's great barrier reef salt )
4 tablespoons whey
2 carrots
1/2 beetroot
4 de-stalked leaves of kale
- Wash, dry and chop your cabbage.
- In a large bowl mix the cabbage with the salt well with your hands.
- Taste the cabbage, it should be salty. If not add a bit more.
- Next pound the cabbage with meat hammer or other pounder until it is tender and starting to get juicy.
- Stuff it all into a 1 litre jar very tightly packed.
- Leave at least an inch between the kraut and the lid.
- Place a weight on the sauerkraut to keep it below the surface of water
- Close lid tightly and leave it out on the counter out of the sun for 3 days.
- Refrigerate. It’s done now, but will get better with time.
Notes or variations
You may experiment with any vegetables you choose. A word from the wise, your own garden vegetables are the most beneficial ones you can use and will have the highest probiotic count.