Hi all, I've had such a great response to my post on "Exercise, Have you got 10 seconds a week?", that i've decided to elaborate a little more.
For those of you who may not know, I've been a personal trainer in the past and managed two gyms back in New Zealand in my younger days.
I've experienced many different training techniques, but my all time favourite, is something called greasing the groove.
How it works
You pick a bodyweight exercise such as push ups, chin ups, lunges, squats or dips.
You perform as many as you can in strict form, that means as soon as your technique starts slipping stop. You have to let go of your ego to get the best results.
Now if for example when performing pushups, you can do 6, Then you half it being 3, and perform these at multiple times over the day. It is essential that you have long rests in between sets. I have chosen 2hr gaps to make this more feasible for those of you working.
I would like you to set your stop watch to count down at 2hr intervals. This means that when you wake in the morning you set your stopwatch, whenever the alarm goes off you do 3 pushups and then reset it.
Given that you probably get up about 7am, and go to bed at 9pm, you will be doing 7 sets. You do this 6 days a week, taking 1 day off.
After this day off, you test yourself to see how many you can do, and half it to get the new number for the week. For example you can now do 8, so your new number is 4.
I was surprised at how easy and effective this method was, how is it possible that you can increase your strength so quickly?, especially doing something thats easy.
You do this for 30 days, and I am pretty sure you will be amazed at your new total.
I tried this yesterday and could do 24, so i've started at 12. I missed a session, but over all I did 6 sets during the day. It takes less than a minute, although it may seem like a lot, that was less than 7 minutes of exercise.
It would be great if I could make this challenge interactive, and you could post your results. It will be very interesting to see how much we can all improve. Remember it doesn't matter if you can only do 2 pushups, you will still make great improvements and you will probably gain the most.
Feel free to ask me questions if you need.
#pushupchallenge #100pushups