Serves - 8
Prep Time - 30 min
Serve with - Fresh fruit , nuts and seeds
Nutrition info
This is a delicious dessert absolutely loaded with vitamins A, D, E and K.
These fat soluble activators are the perfect accompaniment to breakfast pancakes or after any meal to increase absorption of both protein and vitamins present in the main.
1 cup of milk
1 Vanilla pod
600mls of a thick cream, not ultrapasteurised
1/2 cup of honey
1 tlbsp of Arrowroot starch
6 egg yolks
The night before
- Add 1 cup of milk to Scraped Vanilla bean and soak Vanilla Bean Skin in the milk overnight in the fridge
- Place ice cream canister in the freezer
The next day
- Pour soaked milk containing the vanilla bean through a strainer, discarding the skin.
- Place the vanilla infused milk in a food processor and add all remaining ingredients, pulse gently until all ingredients are mixed together
- Add this mixture quickly into your ice cream maker, the mixture should start to thicken in 15-20 minutes
- Scrape all ice cream from your canister into a suitable container to store in your freezer
- Before serving you may like to remove the ice cream and place at room temperature for ease of serving
Notes or variations
You may substitute 1/2 cup of blueberries, mango or other fruits instead of the vanilla.