Exercise, Have you got 10 seconds a week?

I recently did a talk at work about exercise and the need to schedule it in your life. I recommend at the very least 10 minutes a day to open up the lungs and get oxygen to the 70 trillion odd cells. I believe most people can find 10 minutes during their busy day.

10 minutes afterall works out to be 1/144 of your day.

Well, let me tell you a story.

There was a gentleman who told me he was so busy he could not spare 10 minutes a day, I asked,"How about 10 minutes a week?", this amounts to 1/1008 of his week. He said, "No, I'm much too busy". Well, "How about 10 seconds a week?", to my surprise he said. "Yes!!"

I laughed that works out to 1/60,480 of a week.

He asked, "What do I do?". Jokingly I told him to do 1 push up on Monday, have Tuesday off, another push up on Wednesday, have Thursday off, another on Friday, then take the whole weekend off.

I told him to try to do 2 push ups the following week on Monday, if he couldn't that was ok. Still take the Tuesday off, but try again on the Wednesday to do 2. The goal was to increase each week, but not bust himself.

Anyway, this man turned up a year and a half later and had lost 15-20kgs. He looked great, I asked him what he had done to lose the weight and he replied, "Damn push ups".

He had never missed a session.

My next question was, "How many are you doing now"

"75 he replied", haha, that's awesome.

Now try doing a lunge, haha

Such is the power of perseverance, remember anything counts, even 10 seconds a week.

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My name is Blair Harvey and I have had the pleasure of working at one of Australia's best Health Retreat's for the past fourteen wonderful years. Over those years I have had the delight of working with a spectacular kitchen team, we all have an immense passion for cooking good healthy food that is unique and tantalizing to your taste buds. Together we have not only developed our skills in cooking wholesome, nourishing and out right delicious foods, but we have been committed to broadening our knowledge of healing with whole foods and exploring the beauty of healthy living. Because of our enthusiasm in the benefits of foods and there healing properties I developed a blog to help us SHARE what we have learnt with the rest of the world.

You will find tasty gems of wisdom on health, food and healing, helping to expand your mind and revitalize your knowledge of healthy eating.