Antioxidants, your body’s warriors

What are antioxidants Antioxidants are disease fighting molecules. Oxidation caused in the body by normal daily function can disrupt normal cell function, causing free radicals which can start a chain reaction.This chain reaction requires antioxidants to be neutralised. Antioxidants can help prevent but also repair this damage, the free radical damage accumulating in the body […]

The man who lost 23kgs in 13 days

There was a man who arrived at the retreat on a mission, he wanted to lose as much weight as he could in a fortnight. Well I have never seen anything like this, often we would have people lose between 4 & 6kgs in a week. Sometimes we even had 10kg loses, but never a […]

The push up challenge

Hi all, I’ve had such a great response to my post on “Exercise, Have you got 10 seconds a week?”, that i’ve decided to elaborate a little more. For those of you who may not know, I’ve been a personal trainer in the past and managed two gyms back in New Zealand in my younger days. […]

Chocolate, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Well I’m a reformed chocoholic. I remember when anybody would ask me what I wanted for my birthday or Christmas, and I’d reply “CHOCOLATE!” The funny thing was I was telling the truth. That’s all I wanted, and the strange thing was, maybe it was just a magnesium deficiency. Chocolate is a very high source […]

Exercise, Have you got 10 seconds a week?

I recently did a talk at work about exercise and the need to schedule it in your life. I recommend at the very least 10 minutes a day to open up the lungs and get oxygen to the 70 trillion odd cells. I believe most people can find 10 minutes during their busy day. 10 […]

Sleep-What is the correct amount??

How long did our great grandparents sleep? Only 100yrs ago the average amount of sleep was 9 1/2 to 10hrs per night. People went to bed shortly after sunset and woke at sunrise. We are genetically programmed to rise and retire with nature, not the alarm clock. Have you ever noticed just before sunrise there […]


Each week I am asked “If there was one tip you could give above all to regain health, what would it be?” After serious though I would undoubtedly say “Get more light!” Did you know that only 100yrs ago humans were outside on average 10hrs per day, totalling 70hrs per week. Today we are lucky […]

Not all fish oils are good for you!

Fish oil supplementation is nothing new, many older generations consumed fish oil and their products, you may have even been given a teaspoon by your grandparents followed by a quick tablespoon of malt, I never enjoyed the fish oil but malt the chaser was delicious!!   Its not what you eat, its what you absorb […]

Milk, more hydrating than water

Whether you are at the gym, beach or just feeling thirsty, water has always been the number one choice. How much are we supposed to drink? Most people fail to drink their 1 litre for every 33kgs they weigh, and don’t account for extra demands of exercising or hot weather. Trying to meet your water […]