Today, more than ever we are bombarded with stress from a multitude of angles, whether it being dropping the kids off to school and your running late, too many red lights driving to work or meeting company targets,there would not be a day that I would see at least a few people struggling. One of […]
Author: Blair
Yogurt, the most important superfood!
There is no better place to start a blog on yogurt than with the Russian scientist Ilja Metchinoff, he was the man responsible for revolutionising medical thinking on longevity, with his famous theory on the prolongation of life by preventing internal colonic putrefaction and self poisoning. What he was referring to, was that all disease […]
The elephant in the room and why the activation of grains, nuts and seeds can be pointless
At the retreat I use to teach that you can absorb up to 600% more of the nutrients from grains, nuts, beans, legumes and seeds simply by soaking them for 8-12hrs. While this may serve correct for most grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, there is a huge elephant in the room and I mean a […]
Onions/Garlic, the superfoods of the Egyptians and Romans
History There is probably no food that has been used so extensively throughout history for increasing stamina than onions and garlic. Onions were very cheap and provided considerable rations in early Egypt for the workers while building the pyramids, and again by the Roman army in aiding extreme endurance during their long marches and battles. […]
Honey, the superfood of Centenarians
Honey has long been prized as one of the foods empowering us with the ability to live to 100. Does it stand up to its claims? Initially the famed Russian scientist, biologist and botanist Dr. Nicolai Tsitsin discovered pollen rich honey to be a life extender purely by accident. His aim was simply to send […]
The House on the Hill Homestay (2 & 3 day-reclaim your health retreats)
My compendium of House on the Hill Homestay, detailing everything you need to know about the comprehensive two and three day life changing mini retreat. Please email me at or call me on 0415 041 937 for details or to secure your booking.
About me
Welcome to Blair Harvey – Naturopath, Gut and Psychology Syndrome Practitioner (GAPS), Nutritionist and Herbalist. I have 15 years of experience, leading the way in health and nutrition at one of the worlds most prestigious health retreats, based right here in Australia. During my career as a Naturopath, I have had the opportunity to work […]
Shut your mouth!
Did you know probably one of the best secrets to health, is to simply shut your mouth? The mouth has been designed over millions of years for talking, eating, drinking and as a way for us to grab that little extra oxygen while doing more intensive exercise, but it is the nose that was truly […]
Health Emporium
I have now set up an online shop with all the products I mention in my blogs, these are all top of the line and I recommend them to all who are once again trying to re-establish excellent health. On my site you will find my shop in the menu. When you drag the […]