Have you ever been sick while travelling? My 2nd biggest health secret.

Re-establishing your gut flora is no easy task

There are 3 requirements to re-establishing your gut flora, and each must be followed if you are trying to introduce new flora, it is no longer a matter of putting them their, if the environment is hostile there is no probiotic on the market that will help.

The first and most crucial part is to set up their new home.

I will be posting 3 blogs detailing each part, but for today we are going to be looking at number 1.

  1. Housing
  2. Innoculation
  3. Feeding

Brian Clements, a biochemist was asked a question to which his answer absolutely shocked me.

For those who don't know or haven't heard of Brian he is a biochemist working at Hippocrates health retreat in Florida, he has been there for the better part of 30yrs and this retreat is no new-comer. Out of all the retreats I know of, it is probably the one that deals with the most stage 3 and 4 disease patients in the world. It is literally a place you go trying to heal yourself when all else fails. The be all and end all!!

Brian was asked, if he could recommend one product above all to help people regain their health, what would it be?

His answer "Clay"

Now, why would someone who has an immense history of helping people recover from all sort of diseases recommend clay, not a vitamin, not colonic irrigation, no juice fasting but simple dirt?

Clay has been used for thousands of years, and many indigenous cultures carry it around with them in their for lack of a better word bum bags, but why?

Aboriginals and American indians carry clay around with them to alleviate sour stomach, if ever they feel unwell from eating something, such as a potential off food, they take a little out of their pouch and mix it with water, they then either dip their food into this liquid before consuming it or drink it.

No hospitals

The fact that these people are so isolated from society means if they get food poisoning they could die. They do not have the luxury of western medicine to come to their aid and are forced to rely on natural methods.

These special clays have even been tested and proved to be so powerful that they could kill antibiotic resistant microbes such as E-coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Now clay has a two fold reaction in the body, first it weeds out potentially pathogenic bacteria and secondly it establishes a garden bed for your flora to settle on and make their new home. I have seen countless people travel overseas to Bali, Thailand, China or Africa and return with an upset stomach, while overseas they may have been unlucky enough to contract food poisoning and/or fever. After a few rounds of antibiotics they started to feel better.

From there, it only gets worse, they soon experience problems of bloating, and pain. The double edged sword from the antibiotics may have saved your life but it comes at a cost of killing all your healthy bacteria, now for the heads up. It doesn't kill all the bad bacteria, just most of them. Their are other opportunistic bacteria harbouring in the body just waiting for their 5 minutes of fame.

Now this carries on over time, and these bacteria gain a stronghold manipulating you in the process and causing disease.

Over time food allergies are created, which are solved (so you think) my removing the culprit food, but then you find the list of foods you can't eat increasing, until eventually there are 30-50 foods you can't eat.

But thats ok, you just eliminate them.

NO!!!! That is not the solution, its just removing the symptoms.

If you would humour me and imagine wearing shoes that are two sizes too tight, the pain eventually would become excruciating, now if I gave you some pain killers so the pain went away, the problems solved. You would never feel the pain, so you would never worry about it.

I am constantly amazed by how many people think this is the solution.

To repeat you must follow the list of 3 above.

Ok, so how do we house

I recommend getting an edible clay from the health food store, start by taking a heaped teaspoon every 2nd day. Always follow up with a glass of water as it is a little dehydrating.

As the clay makes it way through your intestines, it will detoxify (binding to heavy metals), kill pathogenic bacteria and set the bed for the beneficial bacteria to follow.

So until my next blog, which I will go into in great detail about innoculation, I would like you all to start taking a daily probiotic, be it a food based such as sauerkraut/yogurt or a therapeutic strength probiotic containing 50 billion per capsule, but you must house first with the clay!!







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My name is Blair Harvey and I have had the pleasure of working at one of Australia's best Health Retreat's for the past fourteen wonderful years. Over those years I have had the delight of working with a spectacular kitchen team, we all have an immense passion for cooking good healthy food that is unique and tantalizing to your taste buds. Together we have not only developed our skills in cooking wholesome, nourishing and out right delicious foods, but we have been committed to broadening our knowledge of healing with whole foods and exploring the beauty of healthy living. Because of our enthusiasm in the benefits of foods and there healing properties I developed a blog to help us SHARE what we have learnt with the rest of the world.

You will find tasty gems of wisdom on health, food and healing, helping to expand your mind and revitalize your knowledge of healthy eating.